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A group admin that starts and manages a group gets compensated from the group's revenue. Once you claim your business, you will have access to a powerful dashboard where you can edit the information on this listing. You can reply to reviews and keep track of how many visitors have viewed the listing. Home Goods are re-opened with temporary store hours of Monday through Saturday, 10am-7pm and Sundays 11am-7pm. Needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.
Our team's desire is to supply you with the latest information as possible. Should you find errors in the address details or business times for HomeGoods in Ashburn, VA, please let us know by using the report a problem form. You are invited to voice your feedback on HomeGoods, and rate its location using the star ranking system. We have 10 Home Goods locations with hours of operation and phone number.
What offers are there in Home & Furniture in Ashburn VA?
We buy products from thousands of vendors worldwide, so the item may not be offered by other retailers at the “compare at” price at any particular time or location. We encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer. We stand for bringing you and your family exceptional value every day — it’s the foundation of our business. We sell a unique selection of home fashions from around the world, including top brands, specialty merchandise and artisan creations, generally sold at prices 20%-60% less than comparable product. Most of our home fashion merchandise is current season. A small percentage is past season which we also offer at amazing savings to you.
We love our bright, modern stores, and our lean, no-frills way of working helps us pass spectacular savings onto you. So, don’t expect fancy extras in our stores — just amazing fashion, brand, quality and price. HomeGoods is best known for being a place to go if you're hoping to find brand name home furnishing products but at a reasonable price. They sell things like furniture, bedding, art and other decorative items, and cookware. The average HomeGoods store receives several deliveries per week, with each delivery containing thousands of items.
Location & Hours
We love the feeling of finding something spectacular at a price that’s equally so. We call this feeling HomeGoods Happy—finding what you love at a price you adore. At HomeGoods, we deliver great value on an ever-changing selection of exciting top brands and home fashions from around the world, at prices generally 20%-60% below department and specialty store regular prices, on comparable merchandise, every day. The “compare at” price is our buying staff’s estimate of the regular, retail price at which a comparable item in finer catalogs, specialty or department stores may have been sold.

Our rapidly changing assortments create that “treasure hunt” shopping experience that our customers love. We buy from all kinds of vendors, including top brands and designers, as well as artisans from around the world. We also have some merchandise manufactured for us to bring you exceptional fashion and quality at an amazing price. Our buyers choose many different colors, styles and fabrics so there are always lots of great choices for you. We take advantage of a wide variety of opportunities, which can include department or specialty store cancellations, a manufacturer making up too much product, or a closeout deal when a vendor wants to clear merchandise at the end of a season, as well as lots of other ways to bring you tremendous value. We have no walls between departments, so we can easily expand and contract merchandise departments to respond to new trends and customer needs.
Looking for Home Goods shops in Ashburn VA?
We don’t hold replenishment stock in our back rooms and often, the store managers don’t even know what’s coming until they throw open the delivery truck doors! In some stores, there are dedicated shopping hours for seniors (60+) and those who are at greater risk. On Groupcycle, you can start recycling groups for members to donate or sell items.
Layaway will be closed except for pickups and cancellations. Including this store, HomeGoods now has 1 location in Ashburn, Virginia. No word on exactly when the Ashburn store will close and the Leesburg store will open. One has to assume they will try to time them pretty close, sometime in the new year. The center is also getting a major cosmetic makeover in 2023, with a new paint color, wood-style accents and other new features.
Shopping plaza was unlikely to stay open surrounded by three other nearby stores. During your visit to HomeGoods, you can also look in on the wide collection of stores in Ashbrook Commons Plaza. Listing will be marked “Claimed”, creating trust with customers. Our buyers are determined to bring you the best values in home fashions, so you can always find something you adore. To help with social distancing, the number of shoppers allowed in the store at any one time may be limited.